Thursday, February 17, 2022

Blog #5


    On both the websites of The American Conservative and Antiwar,  the authors of these websites have very strong voices that are all for the idea of Antiwar. Antiwar voices are something that you will never hear on the main stream media for variety of reasons. The media clearly does not want this information being spread. The government and media do not want this information to be spread because it has a very heavy one side bias. I feel that this bias goes against their agenda. 

    After more research though 24/7 there is actually a lot of money to be made in war. Although there is a lot of money lost though equipment, labor, repairs etc, believe it or not, a lot of companies actually profit off of war. According to 24/ said that the US company Textron made approximately $14.2 billion dollars in total sales. They also made a total profit of $1.2 billion. There are many more examples of companies profiting billions of dollars off of war like Leidos, Rolls- Royce, Raytheon and Boing. The US is also the worlds largest defense spender and I think they probably do not want the American people knowing how much money they actually spend on war. In life, a lot of motivation to do certain things is about the money and power. War is no exception to that even though it is putting others at risk. The main stream media only puts things out there that they want people to know and the idea of Antiwar isn't one of them. 

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