Thursday, February 17, 2022

Blog #6


One form of technology that I learned from someone else is Adobe Photoshop. Right now I am taking the class Graphic Software Packages and before this class, honestly I did not know that it was a thing. I knew that there were different technologies that allowed people to edit and photoshop photos but I did not know that this was specifically an Adobe system. Currently I am learning the technology Adobe and editing photos along with creating different graphics. When I first walked into this class, I did not really know what to expect. I thought that maybe we would be learning how to use computer software but I did not know that this would specifically be Adobe. Learning this new technology program is both a lot of fun but a huge challenge. This type of technology is very foreign to me and I do not think all the tools are very self explanatory. There is so many things that you can do to a photo or graphic on this program but a lot of the tools are hidden and the commands are hard to get to. Once you figure out how to work this program however, I feel that it could be very powerful. Through Adobe Photoshop, you can really change any part of an image. Through this class, I learned how to completely remove an object from a photo and make it look like nothing was ever there. The technology that this software has is amazing because after removing an entire element to the photo, the computer fills in the space with something that blends in with the background. Without taking this class at HPU, I would never have been exposed to this new technology Adobe Photoshop. 

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