Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Blog # 2

According to History.com the Supreme Court is "the highest federal court in the country and head of the judicial branch of government" (History.com). 

    After watching the videos on the Supreme Court and reading through the article, I learned a lot of new things about the Supreme Court that I did not know before. I learned that the main purpose of the Supreme Court is to draw the boundaries of government power. I also learned that the Supreme Court was made in 1789 in the 3rd article of the US constitution, so it has been around for quite sometime. I love the quote from the video "the power of the court is the power of trust earned" because I feel it really explains the purpose of the Supreme court. Something else that I learned was the saying was made "We the people" did not include many people like African Americans and American Indians. Before watching this video I also did not know that each justice shakes every other justices hands before each conference meeting. In addition, the Supreme Court has an hour "oral argument" where 9 of the nations highest officials come together. Through reading the article, something that stood out to me was the process in which the Supreme Court is elected. The Supreme Court justices are all nominated by the United States president and then is passed by the senate. Before watching the video and reading the article, I did not know the process of how the Supreme Court was elected.

    After watching the video and reading the article, I feel that the most important takeaway is the Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices and has the power to check the Executive and Legislative branches of the government congress. The main purpose is to keep government power in check so not one single person can have too much power, including the president of the United States. This is super important in the way the power is balanced in the United States.

    Through watching the video and reading the article, there has been a lot of surprising things that I have learned. I think the most surprising thing that I have learned about is the Supreme Court had as little as 5 seats and as many as 10 seats throughout its entirety. As of right now there is 9 seats in the Supreme Court and it is seen that it will stay like that for a while. 
    After watching this video, the way that I have thought about the Supreme Court has defiantly changed. I have realized what a crucial role that this organization plays in the balance of power in the United States government. Without the Supreme Court, there would be a complete different distribution of power in this country. After watching this video I know now that the Supreme Court plays a much larger role in the government of the US than I ever thought before. 

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