Sunday, May 1, 2022

Final Blog

I feel that my personal relationship with technology is pretty healthy, however in some aspects I can see how it can be seen as a little consuming of my life and dominating. Media defiantly plays a huge role in my life. Every aspect I use technology and media. Just something as simple as doing this assignment or schoolwork. The entire way that people learn would be completely different if it was not for the media. Media plays a huge part in peoples every day lives as it controls the information that we see as well as the speed in which we see it at. Information can be spread with in a matter of seconds because of the large role that it plays in the lives of people across the globe. You hear about information that you never would have heard before. Because of the easy access to the media, this can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. 

Technology has done so many things in my life that have been beneficial. To start off with, it makes every day life a lot easier. Having the ability to look up anything at your fingertips is such a powerful tool, then getting the answers in a matter of seconds. Technology is also very beneficial with keeping in touch with friends and family, making connections as well as networking. Technology has completely shaped mankind in the way that we spend our days. Something as simple as people jobs revolve a lot more around technology now instead of more manual labor jobs. Technology has created many jobs as well as destroyed many jobs. A large part of technology for me is social media which can be very entertaining and very toxic at the same time. 

There are also many negative effects to technology that never use to be an issue. Cyber bullying, loss of privacy and many mental health issues caused by technology and social media are just the tip of the iceberg. Social media and technology does keep me entertained but does negatively impact my life because I feel it keeps me too entertained and occupies my mind. Sometimes I find myself on social media apps like Tik Tok or Instagram for hours a day that defiantly could have been spent doing something a lot more productive. I have also found myself staring at photos I have taken for hours and nitpicking every detail to see if I should post them. Social media also can be toxic because it makes everyone life seem so happy. This can lead to anxiety and depression in people because they are constantly campaign themselves to what they see on social media. In reality you never know what is going on because people only post their best moments on social media. I do often worry about these tings but I have honestly just accepted that it is the society that we live in today and I am figuring out how to best go along with the "trend". Technology also has a weird impact on your relationships. It is something that you don't think of very much but whether you post someone on your social media can make them question the friendship or relationship. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Blog 5


My topic is about my experience on the High Point University Dance Team. Through this video, I am hoping to explain that being on this team is more than just performing at the basketball games. Being on this team means a lot more to me than just the small amount that we are performing. It is all about the connections, team mates and life long friends that I have made through this team. It is also about helping others, volunteering and giving back to the community. The HPU Dance Team has a lot of volunteer hours that we have done as a team to better our community. 


My experience with Adobe Premier has been pretty positive so far. I think that Premier has been easier to catch onto than Adobe Audition in my opinion. The controls and commands seam a little more self explanatory and logically places. 

The only area that I have really struggles with is the animation aspect. Figuring out how to do those things took me some time however I eventually figured out how to use the scale and location features.(Discover Audio Effects in Premier Pro). I find it interesting that you can start off my zooming in on one part of a photo the slowly backing up to show more of the photo and create a wider view. 

Imported Video:

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Blog #10

One of the EOTO topics that I found especially interesting was "The Spiral of Silence". The spiral of silence is when a persons opinion on an issue is effected on whether that opinion is popular or not. People want to avoid sharing their opinions if it goes against what the majority thinks because they want to avoid being criticized. People do not like being criticized by others and they want to avoid the feeling that their opinion is different from what others are thinking. People constantly seek approval from others and by voicing an opinion that may not be popular it can cause a lot of unwanted confrontation and conflict. 

I found this very interesting because I have actually seen this happen in my own life. Even something as simple as being in a group of friends and they decide that they want to go to the mall. If you are the member of the group that does not want to do this activity then it can be hard to go against the group and voice your opinion on the activity that you would like to do instead. On a much larger scale this is hoe dictators rise to power, people are scared to go against them which leads to silence. 

I not only thought this was a very interesting concept, but I think that the girl presenting did a very good job. First off, she was very captivating with the audience. She had different tones in her voice to keep the audience engaged and was not monotone throughout the presentation. She also explained everything every well on her slides but did not ramble on and loose the attention of the audience. She had very good posture and hand gestures as well as spoke at a good volume for everyone around to hear. The examples she used were very relatable and made it easy to understand this topic. 

Final Blog

I feel that my personal relationship with technology is pretty healthy, however in some aspects I can see how it can be seen as a little con...